My tattoo i love it.
signs like the stop light or school crossing plaques help to inform us what to do or how fast to go. the question at the bottom of the article asks "what makes a symbol endure?" the bimbo bear is the symbol of Mexican bread and dessert products. a lot of people enjoy bread and whenever i see the white polar bear i think of Delicious tasty carbohydrate filled bread . "glimpse at them for a split second and you know what they mean" kinda like now when ever you see a picture of Obama you imagine his speech yes we can and hope pops right after. what makes a symbol endure, not the actual product the population and its amazing ability to fall head over heels in love with an idea that they need the product being sold.
some symbols inform other symbols are a place holders for a companies, a product or just a person who symbolizes a feeling or an idea.