Saturday, January 31, 2009

the hometown idea

The picture is my home town street sign I took years ago.
I haven't yet found the place that I really find has the most intense meaning to me. School has been the one place I have attended that helped me understand and find what I want out of life. I step into a class room in know exactly why I'm there. I know what I need to do and why it’s going to benefit me. I think knowing what I get from a place is what makes it meaningful.

If I was asked this question when I was younger I would have said my home. My home was not just my house it was the entire neighborhood. I loved running around with friends playing and getting into trouble. Never really had to do much school and play, that was the life. My neighborhood meant a lot to me then. It was the place I felt safest, where I learned how to solve problems, developed leadership skills and just plain imaginative fun.
Imaginati0n this amazingly insane idea that only alters with time, as my innocence dissipated I started to see what my family thought of my home. I saw glorious and fascination adventures through a moonlight catacomb when they saw an intense gang ridden ghetto. I enjoyed the school after hours, but I wasn’t allowed to play after street lights.

The china town idea, by Eric liu describes a part of San Francisco, the culture the atmosphere and the traditions. As a little town they had their own way and ideas about how life should be and slowly that changed with the influence from surrounding areas, the government and the evolving society was cause to their modernization. For example "the china town idea holds that people who live there shouldn’t deviate one stroke from the ways of "old china" unless we tell them to. as a kid I felt I was right my neighborhood is the best ever, till practically drilled in me it was raunchy ruff and just bad, from different people and most effectively my mom, maybe it is a horrible place and slowly I noticed what they considered bad I began to disapprove of my wonderland. A new picture of uninspired unamused and lost feelings arose.

Monday, January 19, 2009

over heard

Every day we walk up and down the streets, halls and other corridors, we hear laughter, sobs and just random rambling, chit chatter and whatever other kind of noise making people can come up with. It’s strange most of time these noises are heard across great distances and still come in clear or at the least statically. When looking around we can’t help but notice that everyone has one. the new age object that came a long way from bulky insane weird ugly to this sleek flip flopping hidden and virtually unseen beauty.
I asked some friends a questioned inspired by the article pencil, by Henry petroski what do you plan to take with you? they ran off a list of items: chap stick, lip gloss, gum, make up, body spray, wallets, cash, I realized like the in the article they hadn’t mentioned an object I know they couldn’t live without.
We over look and practically over use such a wonderful device... the cell phone.

-But there is one object that Thoreau had neglected to mention, one the he most certainly carried himself. For without this object Thoreau could have not sketched either the fleeting fauna he could not shoot or the larger flora he could not uproot..... (The pencil, Henry petroski)

the article continues to wonder about why thoreu would forget to mention an object he used so often and begins to search for reasoning..." perhaps the very object with which he may have been drafting his list was too close to him, too familiar a part of his everyday outfit, to common to mention...

I too personally use my cell so often on the daily that I forget it’s not a part of me, the article inspired me because it’s relative to my life in a sense that I have certain objects I couldn’t think of being without.