Saturday, February 28, 2009

hearts tock so ordinary

considering time and the effort in which i tried to keep it tamed its nieve to believe i can stop it at any rate. the most of ordinary thing i know is the clock. this contraption created first from stone then later electrified. its function contemporary but older than the idea the earth is flat. ordinary its marvelously intriguing i cant stop the effects of time but i try to hide, fool the eye, with rejuvenations and topical creams or the latest cover girl powder foundation.
"each one visits a thousand flowers a day... they can fly for hundreds of miles without pausing to rest", joyas voldardores by Brian Doyle, these humming birds zoom zam through space at much greater speeds than any living organism. time at their speed would be mind blowing and unbearable for me. I would love to spend split seconds through the bad on contrary i know id feel like the good times are gone fast as my eye blinks.
tick tock minutes flutter one by one by one a predetermined pace, unchanging literally i find my self losing such precious moments with all efforts unable to maintain i feel helpless. "but when they do rest they come close to death" the most difficult of actions to rest i cant seem to do with rest time seems to slip away and i lose my barrings.

then again when time well spent i feel i cheated existence i feel like i stoped the hands from ticking away my departure i forget the minutes closer to the end.

So much happens in a day and its hard to think i can prevent it all or stay trapped in a single moment no matter how bad i want it. not all moments make me rejoice but i know that the next might be better. Doyle describes what he sees happens the hearts with time,"... that all hearts finally are bruised and scarred, scored and torn..." time in its self is destructive yet also just as repairing.